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Digital Printing of Textiles: A Growth Opportunity

Digital Printing of Textiles: A Growth Opportunity

Author: NazStore/Thursday, September 26, 2019/Categories: Industry News - Textile

(Quoted from PrintingNews. Full article here.)

Information provider World Textile Information Network (WTIN) has been tracking the growth of digital printing in the textiles industry for some time, and recently released new data. While it demonstrates that their growth projections have been on track, we still have a long way to go in the industry’s analog-to-digital transformation, with just 6% of the world’s printed textiles produced digitally.

According to the company’s data, 2018 saw only a small percentage of fabric printed—although that small percentage amounted to 36 billion square meters excluding signage. And only 6% of that was produced digitally. Still, that was 2.57 billion square meters of printed fabric. But that is up from only 3.3% as of ITMA 2015, nearly doubling its share. There was an installed base of nearly 50,000 digital textile printers in 2018, up from about 27,000 in 2015. This is impressive growth when considering that the overall textiles market is growing at about 2%, according to Euler Hermes.

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