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Screen Printing: Process + Techniques

Screen Printing: Process + Techniques

Author: Tesa Pearman/Monday, June 20, 2022/Categories: Industry News - Textile

(Quoted from Impressions Magazine. Full article here.)

During the course of my career, I’ve learned to hone and fine-tune the manual screen-printing process, which I’ve always considered a mix of art and technique. Once you master the correct techniques and understand the correlation between the various tools, you can let your imagination take over and come up with cool ideas for print effects.

However, you can’t overlook the importance of those tools — the screen-printing press, screens, pallets and more. The following are some basic — but important — techniques you should use to set them up for manual screen printing. In the first of this two-part series, we will explore everything from press setup to pallets.

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