(Quoted from Eric Boice of Sign and Digital Magazine. Full article here)
Behold the large-format digital printer. It’s one of the most heavily invested and relied upon pieces of equipment in your shop. And while your printer may be seem to be your greatest and most profitable ally, prolonged neglect can cause your printer to go down and quickly morph into your most dreaded and costly evil arch-nemesis.
When the printer is down, production stops, yet jobs continue to roll in. This disruption of your shop’s workflow can quickly snowball into an array of production concerns, all of which are in direct conflict with client demands. And while occasional hiccups and support calls are inevitable, many common tech calls can be avoided by practicing a thorough and regular preventive maintenance regimen designed to keep your printer healthy and happy—and the profits to keep rolling in.
Click here to read the full article from Sign & Digital Graphics!