Win a Kruzer Manual Press at the 2015 NBM B.I.G. Show in Indianapolis
Finish First with Kruzer!
Author: Lindsay Merwald/Monday, May 11, 2015/Categories: Industry News - Textile
M&R's Finish First with Kruzer Contest will have teams racing to see which can assemble a Kruzer fastest, with each day's winning team taking home a brand new Kruzer!
Eight randomly-selected teams of two will compete for the fastest assembly time. The team posting the fastest time each day will have the choice of taking home a free Kruzer manual screen printing press or applying $3,100 to the purchase of any other M&R manual or automatic screen printing press. And any team that competes but doesn't win will receive a 10% discount on a new Kruzer.
Click here to learn more and enter the Finish First with Kruzer contest!