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Arrrgggghhh! 7 Frustrations You Deal with Every Day in Your Shop

Arrrgggghhh! 7 Frustrations You Deal with Every Day in Your Shop

Author: Lindsay Merwald/Monday, June 22, 2015/Categories: Industry News - Textile

(Quoted from Marshall Atkinson's Blog, Atkinsontshirt. Full article here.)
I guess I’m getting old.  This past few weeks have seen a marked uptick in moments of frustration with some companies that I do business with on a regular basis.  I feel cranky and crotchety.  (Get off my lawn!) Why is that I wonder?
A little self psychological diagnosis with a cup of coffee says that I’m irritated because I know they know better and that I want them to succeed.  It’s the fact that they have bungled up some fairly simple customer service and supply opportunities.  Good, basic customer service should be at the very core of any business transaction or relationship and when it doesn’t occur it’s glaringly obvious.  Like a fart in a space suit.  It’s inescapable.
Don’t they know that their competitors are constantly sending me wave after wave of marketing pieces and offers?  I see competitive salespeople weekly and listen or read cold calling offers from them too.  So what has me whining like a four year old that just dropped his popsicle?
Also, a good many readers have written and expressed their frustration with other challenges in their shops too. One of the refrains that I hear most often is “I see that I’m not the only shop with problems.”  I wish everything was easy too. There will always be issues, but what are we doing to correct them is the real question?
Below I have listed the seven annoyingly frustrating things that seem to come up most often in my shop and from the e-mail mailbag from readers (thanks for sending by the way!).  I would say enjoy these, but we know different don’t we?

Click here to read the full article from Marshall Atkinson



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