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Disruption in Our Industry

Disruption in Our Industry

Author: Lindsay Merwald/Monday, October 26, 2015/Categories: Industry News - Textile

(Quoted from Marshall Atkinson's blog, atkinsontshirt. Full article here.)

Can you predict the future?  Do you think you know what’s going to happen in our industry a few years from now?  We believe we know…and as a whole the decorated apparel industry is betting that nothing much is going to change.  Our body posture is “head down, gotta get this job out today.”
One of the biggest human weaknesses is our inability to comprehend that our future might be impacted by forces we don’t understand.  Beyond a science fiction movie, people just can’t predict the future very well.  We think we know, but we really don’t have a clue.  However, one thing is for certain and that is that we live in truly marvelous times.  It used to take centuries for major forces to change industry’s ways of doing business.
Now your entire business world can cease to exist in a matter of months.

Click here to read the full article from Marshall Atkinson of atkinsontshirt.com


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