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Article from International Coatings - How to Properly Dispose Ink

Article from International Coatings - How to Properly Dispose Ink

International Coatings addresses this vital topic every printer needs to know.

Author: Alex Hurst/Wednesday, November 19, 2014/Categories: Industry News - Textile

Regardless of if you’re using plastisol or water-based inks, you must remember that they contain industrial chemicals, the disposal of which is strictly regulated. In all cases, you should familiarize yourself with local, state and federal regulations.

Plastisol inks are 100% solids. When fully cured, the PVC resin fully absorbs the plasticizers in the ink to form a plastic ink film. Some municipalities may allow fully cured plastisol inks to be disposed or recycled as regular plastic waste in the municipal waste system. Uncured plastisol may be eligible for recycling. If not, it likely will need to be disposed by an authorized chemical waste disposer. If you send your plastisol waste for disposal, ask whether it is eligible for incineration, which completely destroys the waste and, thus, reduces the potential for cleanup liability in later years.

Click here to read this International Coatings' Article on proper ink disposal in full.



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