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The Future of Functional Printing

The Future of Functional Printing

Author: Lindsay Merwald/Thursday, February 11, 2016/Categories: Industry News - Industrial

(Quoted from Wim Zoomer & screenweb.com. Full article here.)

It’s becoming clear that screen printing faces increasing competition from other printing processes, including inkjet, for applications that are mainly decorative in nature. Does that mean screen printing is doomed? No; on the contrary, it has a secure future, provided that the industry recognizes its potential in other areas. Screen printing began as a process for reproducing decorative images – posters, display graphics, outdoor advertising, etc. Those markets still exist, representing around 20 percent of screen-printing production today, but they are declining. As an industry, we should shift our focus to substantial markets and challenging applications that offer interesting prospects for growth. 
Increasingly, these opportunities can be found in industrial settings, particularly functional uses where screen printing deposits a liquid substance such as an ink, paste, or adhesive that, after drying, imparts a product’s actual function. Put simply, without screen printing, these products would not work.

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