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EFI VUTEk FabriVU 180/340 named Best Textile Printer by EDP

EFI VUTEk FabriVU 180/340 named Best Textile Printer by EDP

Author: Lindsay Merwald/Wednesday, June 14, 2017/Categories: Industry News - Graphic

(Quoted from Large Format Review. Full article here.)
Electronics For Imaging, Inc. received a leading print-industry honour from the European graphic arts trade press - the EDP Award - for the Best Roll-to-Roll Textile Print technology.
Judges recognised the EFI VUTEk FabriVU 180/340 soft signage printer at the 11th Annual EDP Awards ceremony during FESPA 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. The EFI VUTEk FabriVU series of digital fabric printers offers everything needed to produce high-quality images at true production level speeds - all while keeping running cost low and profit opportunity high.

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