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METROPOLE makes 'exceptional equipment' investment with two new EFI VUTEk printers

METROPOLE makes 'exceptional equipment' investment with two new EFI VUTEk printers

Author: Lindsay Merwald/Wednesday, August 16, 2017/Categories: Industry News - Graphic

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. announced the installation of two new printers at Paris-based superwide graphics provider METROPOLE: a 5-metre EFI VUTEk FabriVU 520 soft signage printer and an EFI VUTEk LX3 Pro hybrid roll/flatbed LED inkjet printer.
METROPOLE is recognised as having the most reliable print technology in the heart of Paris. "Thanks to continued investment, we have been able to offer our clients a production operation capable of producing any creation," noted Patrice Boquého, the company's associate director.

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