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Solving Problematic Printing (Part 1)

Solving Problematic Printing (Part 1)

Author: Lindsay Merwald/Friday, October 12, 2018/Categories: Industry News - Textile

(Quoted from Keith Stevens and International Coatings. Full article here.)

Often I am asked to come and speak at an industry show or a Distributor’s Open House and I am honored to help. Prior to the event I usually go over my presentation and adjust the slides so that it applies to the particular market, whether it’s in Central America or in Los Angeles. Maybe it’s a market that is heavily into non-PVC or water base inks, or it could be a market that services local community businesses, such as local high school sports teams or restaurants. There are countless ways that I can adjust my presentation. The audience attending my presentations also differs; sometimes it consists largely of newcomers to the screen print industry, sometimes largely of seasoned printers.
So what are typical mistakes that beginner screen printers often make?

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