* PlastiSolv 401 dissolves all textile, UV, water base and electronic inks quickly, allowing mesh to be rinsed clean with water.
* PlastiSolv 401 contains no hazardous substances (no TLV’s, no PEL’s) which provides a better workplace environment.
* PlastiSolv 401 is a low odor product, providing a more pleasant environment for employees.
* PlastiSolv 401 is non-flammable (flash point over 200 °F) which makes it safer for handling, storage and rag disposal than conventional screen washes.
* PlastiSolv 401 will not “lock in” photopolymer emulsions and films which allows for quick, easy reclaiming.
* PlastiSolv 401 is not SARA (Superfund Amendments Reauthorization Act) reportable which requires less solvent monitoring and paperwork.
* PlastiSolv 401 may be applied manually or recirculated through the EasiFlo System, or in an enclosed, automatic screen washing system, providing superior product life and economy.