Nazdar NSC340 UV Durable Air Texture Clear - Very Coarse





SDS (Safety Data Sheet)

NSC340s Durable UV Air Texture Clears have been specifically formulated to provide higher outdoor durability compared to Nazdar NSC40 thru NSC50 Indoor Air Texture Clears. They cure with 385-405 nm, UV-LED curing systems or with traditional mercury vapor curing. NSC340s Durable UV Air Texture Clears provide a decorative, first surface texture effect on durable polycarbonate and some pre-treated polyester films.

Product Disclaimer

Ink swatch colors are designed to help ordering and are an approximation only and should not be used for color matching.

Adhesion should always be tested as adhesion depends upon curing conditions, age and manufacturer of the substrate. Adhesion may be improved when the substrate is cleaned with a suitable solvent such as isopropanol.

Item numbers available:

NSC35004, NSC3501K
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