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Not Another Goal Setting Article

Not Another Goal Setting Article

New post from Marshall Atkinson at Atkinsontshirt.com. It’s that time of year again.  Every clown with a keyboard pushes out their “Top Ways to Hit Your Goals” or “Do These Steps to Improve Something Somehow” tips.  Hey, including me as I’ve written plenty of these articles before.  I have my Bozo nose here somewhere and I’m probably going to write them in the future too.
Monday, January 4, 2016/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1586)/Comments (0)/
Printwear 2015 Year in Review: Our Top 10 Articles

Printwear 2015 Year in Review: Our Top 10 Articles

As 2015 comes to a close, Printwear looks back on a busy year full of exciting moments both at home in Colorado and industry wide.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1699)/Comments (0)/
A Big Fat Thank You

A Big Fat Thank You

New post from Marshall Atkinson at Atkinsontshirt.com. As we’re winding down the year 2015, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you very much for reading and supporting this blog.  I appreciate the time you spend reading the articles, and I sincerely hope that whatever topic I’ve chosen for the week helps you in some way.
Monday, December 28, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1639)/Comments (0)/
Secret Shop Strategies for Shirt Sampling Success

Secret Shop Strategies for Shirt Sampling Success

Pardon the alliteration, I couldn’t help myself.  Does the constant craving for samples from your customers drive you a bit nutty?  If not tempered, it can quickly launch out of control.
Have you been pulling your hair out lately?
Samples for the most part are for someone else’s final decision making usually, but they can be for other purposes too, such as a photo shoot or a quality control procedure.
The intent for the article is to be more or less a walk through the sampling process to help you define your strategy on what might work for you in your shop.  Just read and use what you like and change or discard the rest.
Ok, let’s get started…

Monday, December 21, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1742)/Comments (0)/
New Focus for MagnaColours

New Focus for MagnaColours

Leading supplier of water-based textile inks, MagnaColours Ltd, is set to unveil a completely new branding and direction for the business this January, which aims to show its unique abilities, superior finishes and performance focus.
Friday, December 18, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1914)/Comments (0)/
What is the recommended emulsion over mesh percentage?

What is the recommended emulsion over mesh percentage?

It’s undeniable that there is a relationship between a stencil’s EOM (emulsion thickness) and the mesh’s fabric thickness, but there is no conversion constant or multiplier. Specifically, the answer to the question, “What percentage EOM do you recommend?” is that it doesn’t work that way.
Friday, December 18, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2150)/Comments (0)/
Tips and Tricks for Mixing Plastisol Inks

Tips and Tricks for Mixing Plastisol Inks

Ever wonder why we need to “warm the ink up” or “wet the mesh out,” either with a robust mixing or by printing some ill-defined number of shirts before we can run production with plastisol inks? The answer is due to the Perennial Plastisol Paradigm (PPP), in which the ink may be thick or thin but it is tacky, and exhibits excessive internal cohesion under applied shearing force to create a STICKY hand.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1722)/Comments (0)/
Four Do’s and a Don’t

Four Do’s and a Don’t

New post from Marshall Atkinson at Atkinsontshirt.com! Looking for the latest tip or trick to run your decorated apparel shop better?  You won’t find it in this article.
All I have here is going to be a lot of work on your end if you decide to accept the challenges.  Think you have what it takes?  We’ll see.
Listed below are four things you should be doing in your shop and one that you should not.  Because it sounded catchy, I’m naming these the four do’s and a don’t.  I think these are the cornerstone of running your shop more efficiently.  They are somewhat interconnected, but very relevant.
Ready?  Here goes…

Monday, December 14, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2877)/Comments (0)/
Registering Multiple Screens For A Print Job

Registering Multiple Screens For A Print Job

When registering screens for a multi-color job, always take into consideration the direction in which the squeegee will be pulled. Use the black or other dark color screen to register the design onto a light colored fabric, and the white or light color screen to register on dark fabrics.

Friday, December 11, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1566)/Comments (0)/
Solve for A to Make B Better

Solve for A to Make B Better

With over twenty five years in the decorated apparel industry, I’ve spoken with all sorts of folks from shops in every corner of the country.  A good many have a lot of things worked out, and they are usually at the top of the food chain in their market niches.  Some are just ridiculously bad business people or ineffective at managing their processes in their shops. 
It’s as simple as connecting the dots.  A connects B.  If you don’t do A right, B isn’t going to work well.
We are all blinded by orders that have to ship.  That’s the number one excuse that I always hear when I’m asking “why don’t you do something about your problem?”.  People just don’t stop and think that if they solved for A better; B wouldn’t be such a headache.
Ok, so what the hell am I talking about now?  Let’s take a look at four super common problems.  These are in no particular order or ranking…but in your shop one could be more impactful than another.  Do any of these sound familiar?

Monday, December 7, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1476)/Comments (0)/